Specific Technical Guidelines for the Reopening of Economic Activities

in Apr 19, 2021

June 2020

On May 29, 2020 the Mexican Government published Specific Technical Guidelines for the Reopening of Economic Activities (the “Guidelines”) in the Federal Official Gazette.

The Guidelines are mandatory for all workplaces and their purpose is to outline the necessary measures for reopening or for the continuity of activities.

To determine the measures that apply to each workplace the following features must be considered:

  • (i) activity type (are you an essential or non-essential activity?);
  • (ii) workplace size (based on the number of employees);
  • (iii) internal characteristics of the workplace; and
  • (iv) health alert level where the workplace is located.

Based on the responses to the abovementioned queries, it will be possible to identify the applicable measures to each workplace listed in the checklists annexed to the Guidelines.

If the company’s activities are essential, a mandatory online self-assessment of compliance should be made. For non-essential activities, the online self-assessment is voluntary; however, observance of the measures is mandatory.

The “New Normality” begins on June 1, 2020.Based on the traffic light system, the following will be determined: (i) what is the alert level (which will be updated weekly); and (ii) which activities may restart operations.


  1. Implement the applicable measures for each workplace;
  2. Self-assess; and
  3. Constantly monitor the traffic light system.

Be on the look-out for possible subsequent guidelines for specific industries and changes to the alert level at each workplace location.

Juan Tejedo, juan.tejedo@gmt.mx
Alfonso García-Mingo, a.garciamingo@gmt.mx
Carlos Acle, carlos.acle@gmt.mx
Regina De la Fuente, regina.delafuente@gmt.mx